Tuesday, April 13, 2010

37 weeks 3 days

We had another ultrasound today to measure growth. According to the tech and her computer, he weighs 7 lbs 10 oz. She also thought the smooshed baby face would look like mine...

I am still 1cm dilated and 90% effaced.

Doc released the restrictions from exercise, and because the baby is so BIG, doc prescribed extra exercise so that he will come sooner than later. So took my first walk in weeks and...

Angie came over to make dinner for us (yummy pesto pasta with red potatoes and green beans - she whipped it up in like 5 minutes!) - I was feeling contractions the whole time she was here and for hours after she left. She was pretty excited about the potential of him coming tonight! I started feeling the contractions at the store (around 6pm) and started timing them on Cilton's iphone app at 9:30 pm. Towards 11:30pm, they were averaging 40 seconds long at 4 min intervals. I called my mom and my doctor, but the contractions went away and we fell asleep.

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